
The Conscript

Imagine you're the conscript. I put this together for something to do.  It comprises of some old images I took.  A Welsh landscape, a picture of Jason took in the studio and some gargoyles taken at Alton Towers (of all places). I created it to kill time, but I actually like how it turned out, almost planned! The full set of images can be found on Behance here ...

The Cannibal's Garden

Lockdown really knocked my ability to shoot.  Being a Studio and Landscape kind of photographer I was photo blocked.  I had no choice, still life was about to be my new thing.  But a vase of flowers?  Really?  I didn't think that was my thing. Then I decided that it could be done a little differently.  

Gary's LRPS Panel

I'll be honest, a year or so back I didn't think I'd go for distinctions.    I was considering looking at what the PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) did but then I attended a well timed zoom seminar run by the RPS (The Royal Photographic Society) and the PAGB. They talked through what was involved in each and what each organisation looked for in their ...

New Website Launched

We needed an overhaul.  We were looking tired and sad.  The website also needed an update (bada boom tish!)