
Everyone has a camera on them today.  Everyone is taking pictures and sharing them with family and friends on social media.  Here's 5 top tips to make your images stand out from the crowd.

I Cleared The Leaves

I cleared my garden of leaves last weekend.  It seemed to take an age but it did inspire me to shoot what I found.  So here's a few pictures of some rubbish I found in my garden.
You might have seen my images that made up "The Cannibal's Garden".  I put together a quick tutorial on how I put the images together. Not a detailed tutorial, this is more of a high level "how to" guide. Some assumptions are made that you're comfortable with a mirrorless/SLR camera and that you have a basic understanding of Photoshop (layers, adjustment layers, bl...
Other photographers will agree that the question we often get asked by people thinking about taking photography more seriously is: -
If you're not a photoshop nerd, look away now . . . I was surprised to learn how few photographers were aware that you could use a Black And White Adjustment Layer to fine tune the colours in a colour image.  It comes down to blending modes.